2023 AWAKENING xxxii

  1. dribbling milk
    on baby’s chin
    spring snow
  2. baby-powder the snow just keeps on falling
  3. snow drops–
    a diaper hoard
  4. drying nappy
    did quite fade away–
    drifting white snowflakes
  5. clothesline nappies
    i see, when gazing out,
    briefly flitting snowflakes
  6. afternoon snowflakes
    the numbers do mount up–
    drying nappies
  7. folded nappies
    snow falls
  8. falling nappies
    you can count them all–
  9. unfolding nappy
    indistinguishable is
    Heaven’s clouds
  10. soiled nappies blossoms i should not tread
  11. meadow nappies
    gazing from afar
    withered chrysanthemums

2023 AWAKENING xxxi

*Readers, i swear i am doing my very best to keep updated with my posts, but long, and longer work hours have me sleeping, eating, then off to work i go 😉

  1. new moon—
    mum pulls a tissue
    from her sleeve
  2. summer blizzard
    all of grandmum’s hair
    bobs against my face
  3. grandmum’s hair
    falling and settling:
    summer avalanche
  4. snowball—
    grandmum offers
    scrunched-up tissue
  5. galaxy’s edge
    in her teddy bear’s
  6. grandpa’s beard
    tickling my face…
    summer grasses
  7. caressing
    grandpa’s beard…
    snowy thicket
  8. light snow
    grandmum arranges
    crib blankets
  9. summer avalanche!
    every morning grandpa shaves
    his beard
  10. snowballs
    heaps of grandmum’s hair
  11. snowballs
    mum’s old shoebox full
    of love-letters