2023 AWAKENING xxxiii

  1. full moon —
    I reach
    for a nappy
  2. crescent moon—
    its slight curve
    folded nappy
  3. baby drool:
    a mirror it does seem
  4. baby drool
    reflected is the progress of
    sheet of ice
  5. baby piss
    the sun’s edge is
    brightly shining
  6. baby piss
    twinkling stars’
    shape are revealed
  7. soiled nappy there lies a sunken pearl
  8. soiled nappies
    bedroom floor is
    strewn with pearls
  9. full moon…
    mum’s hands rearranges
    a cloth nappy
  10. trashed nappies…
    a constellation of
    weighted stars
  11. new nappy
    Oh! that the moon
    should shine as bright

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