2023 AWAKENING xxi

*of course no Haiku can be complete without a few fart jokes 😉

  1. spring breeze
    through the night
    gentle breathing
  2. full moon
    the distance
    of a baby’s fist
  3. scattered clouds
    on the floor
    soiled nappies
  4. scarlet light
    restless mother scratches
    her breast
  5. summer avalanche
    from the changing table
    nappies fall
  6. a farting contest
    between twins…
    heated wind
  7. heated wind–
    no incense
    just farts
  8. breath of wind —
    mother and child’s
    fart contest
  9. hints of wind
    blown away
    by baby’s farts
  10. lashing winds —
    from the crib
    baby’s farts
  11. autumn wind
    the whine
    of baby’s farts

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