2023 AWAKENING vii

  1. baby’s drool
    splashing down
    rain chasing rain
  2. waterfall
    the chore of wiping baby drool
  3. its mouth open
    releasing baby drool…
  4. waterfall
    a cranky baby
  5. raindrops–
    newborn babies
    still crying
  6. baby drool
    seen for a while…
    waterfall’s clearness
  7. spring rain
    airing out
    baby’s nappies
  8. baby drool a warm rain falls
  9. spring drizzle
    once again to wash
    baby nappies
  10. spring drizzle
    washing nappies
    in the wash tub


  1. moonlight
    dried milk lingers
    on my blouse
  2. lunar stages
    expectant belly
    that swells
  3. spring rain
    a shredder devours
    baby names
  4. a doodling
    of baby names
    steady rain
  5. moon at dawn
    expectant mother pulls it off…
    summer robe
  6. doing what she can
    to shrink her belly…
    bruised plum
  7. cumulus clouds–
    expectant mothers lined up
  8. summer sunset
    baby inside mother’s belly
  9. the warm weight
    of the expectant child
    summer sunset
  10. moon-gazing
    the changing phases
    of the expectant belly


  1. oatmeal…
    help yourself
    to the spring snow in my bowl
  2. bread dough–
    every child
    makes its own cloud
  3. sewing a fistful
    of sunshine…
    mum’s yellow scarf
  4. a fistful
    of squeezed sunshine…
    mum’s yellow scarf
  1. thick moonlight–
    expectant mother busy
  2. shooting stars
    milk drops’ pace
    down the bottle
  1. full moon…
    expectant mother caresses
    her expanding belly
  2. deep winter
    husband hears me
    ordering tombstone
  1. sweeping expectant mother off
    swollen feet…
    tilted moon
  2. rice-planting mother
    baby on her back sleeps…
    tiled moon


  1. in a shape
    of full moon…
    mum’s bare breast
  2. gazing at
    the full moon…
    mum’s bare breast
  3. boldy he graps
    mum’s bare breast…
    full moon
  4. a full moon
    in its grasp…
    mum’s bare breast
  5. hazy moon mum offers her breast to nursing baby
  6. hazy moon
    when mum’s breast
    is full
  7. baby’s giggle…
    facing a cool breeze
    straight on
  8. the feeling
    of a gentle breeze…
    baby’s giggle
  9. baby’s giggle a soft spring breeze
  10. gentle breeze
    a baby mouth
    is slighly open


  1. gibbous moon–
    baby on her back
  2. clenching a fist
    the nursing baby
    raising a day moon
  3. the nursing baby
    opens its mouth…
    an abyss
  4. snowball
    the moment a baby
    curls up to sleep
  5. sleeping baby
    turns so quickly…
    crescent moon
  6. moon sliver–
    sleepy baby
    holds a curl
  7. avalanche
    the flow of milk
    from mum’s breast
  8. avalanche
    breast milk flows slowly
    from the bottle
  9. steady rain
    water rushes slowly
    directly from the faucet
  10. waterfall hot water from the faucet


so if my calculations are correct, i have lived nearly 15,695 days. not including, let’s say the first 5 years of non-learning aka non-consciousness, 13,870. not discounting crawling, drooling and other life (sense) experiences, all these activities are important for life and or daily living. rambling at an end.

for today, yesterday, tomorrow, a few conscious sightings Haiku.

  1. full moon–
    behind me a baby
  2. moon phases the naked child crawls
  3. the far side
    of the moon…
    compressed diapers
  4. sickle moon–
    don’t bump your head
    on cloth diapers
  5. sickle moon–
    don’t go floating away
    cloth diaper
  6. day moon curled baby sleeps in a place
  7. sickle moon–
    sleeping side by side
    drowsy babies
  8. slight curve
    of the day moon
    sleepy baby
  9. sleeping baby
    tucked into folds…
    sickle moon
  10. full moon–
    hungry baby goes quickly
    to mum’s breast


To all Readers (new and familiar) I wish you and yours a Safe and Happy 2022 Christmas.

And now a few holiday Haiku for you and yours. 😉

winter drizzle–
shoppers go out to buy

heavy drizzle–
to purchase batteries
with a short life

winter fog–
water in iron kettle

winter fog–
where the iron kettle
puffs smoke

howling winds
little squeaking sounds
of Christmas children

April Work Observations

Oh, the poetic things and creative epic events one can observe while working 12 hours or more during a busy weekend shift. As a reflection of my weekly work schedule, lets say that time truly is but a blur when the world about you is rushing by in serving foods, packaging foods and finally, consuming foods to oneself and to others, obviously. 😉

gazing at
a lump of cooked rice
full moon

a lump of cooked rice
in a baby’s hands

a split bag of rice
spills over

full moon—
white dinner plates
being piled up

moon viewing—   
boiled rice rises
then slips down

dinner plates
being piled up…

full moon I pour a cup of milk

full moon to eat a boiled egg

April Surprises…

On April 20, 2022, of this year, obviously, I took a New Year’s walk with my little love, Lola. She is nearly 14 years old this October 2022. Anyway, before our daily walks, since there is no rain, I was allowed by Mother Nature to make the following observations of my Lola and other natural things, during and after our daily walks. I hope you, reader(s) enjoy the happiness and surprises that we encountered on that day. If I had my camera in hand, I would have taken a quick photo, but of course, the snake in its travels, moved swifter than I could. 😉

before our walk…

teacup chihuahua
the sunshine is ahead
of the sunrise

teacup chihuahua
her shiny coat
ahead of the sunshine

teacup chihuahua
a sunny spot moves
around the apartment

during our walk…

a gardener snake
rises itself from the grass

as the gold snake rises
from the grass

the gardener snake rises
suddenly, swiftly
april sunrise

after our walk…

my chihuahua rests
on the sofa

sleepy chihuahua
stays in bed sulking
for a short while

sleeping chihuahua…
where a soft light shines
from the blankets


@ madasahatter572 only…

November rain…
the scattered remnants
of bluebells


moon gazing
into a glass
i pour fresh milk


Original Haiku by Annie Wilson…

trees pirouette
shedding leaves like last regrets –
we ride the storm

my inspired Haiku…

departing summer—
towards the nether world
a myriad of green leaves
ride upon the storm


Original Haiku by Annie Wilson…

trees pirouette
shedding leaves like last regrets –
we ride the storm

my inspired Haiku…

departing summer—
towards the nether world
a myriad of green leaves
ride upon the storm