2023 AWAKENING xxxiv

  1. full moon–
    happy baby hugs
    a bag of diapers
  2. waning moon
    mum steps back
    into fallen diaper
  3. baby powder…
    the freshness of
    fallen dry snow
  4. tossed diaper
    eyes follow
    half of the moon
  5. the whine
    of baby’s breathing becomes
    a gentle breeze
  6. night breeze
    where mum’s song begins
  7. twinkling stars
    appear so quickly
    baby powder
  8. so quickly
    the baby powder is released…
    dry snow
  9. great waterfall…
    the rainfall of mum’s misery
    never ceases to fall
  10. great waterfall…
    the rainfall from mum’s misery
    adds to it
  11. a waterfall…
    indistinguishable are
    mum’s and baby’s tears

2023 AWAKENING xxxiii

  1. full moon —
    I reach
    for a nappy
  2. crescent moon—
    its slight curve
    folded nappy
  3. baby drool:
    a mirror it does seem
  4. baby drool
    reflected is the progress of
    sheet of ice
  5. baby piss
    the sun’s edge is
    brightly shining
  6. baby piss
    twinkling stars’
    shape are revealed
  7. soiled nappy there lies a sunken pearl
  8. soiled nappies
    bedroom floor is
    strewn with pearls
  9. full moon…
    mum’s hands rearranges
    a cloth nappy
  10. trashed nappies…
    a constellation of
    weighted stars
  11. new nappy
    Oh! that the moon
    should shine as bright

2023 AWAKENING xxxii

  1. dribbling milk
    on baby’s chin
    spring snow
  2. baby-powder the snow just keeps on falling
  3. snow drops–
    a diaper hoard
  4. drying nappy
    did quite fade away–
    drifting white snowflakes
  5. clothesline nappies
    i see, when gazing out,
    briefly flitting snowflakes
  6. afternoon snowflakes
    the numbers do mount up–
    drying nappies
  7. folded nappies
    snow falls
  8. falling nappies
    you can count them all–
  9. unfolding nappy
    indistinguishable is
    Heaven’s clouds
  10. soiled nappies blossoms i should not tread
  11. meadow nappies
    gazing from afar
    withered chrysanthemums

2023 AWAKENING xxxi

*Readers, i swear i am doing my very best to keep updated with my posts, but long, and longer work hours have me sleeping, eating, then off to work i go 😉

  1. new moon—
    mum pulls a tissue
    from her sleeve
  2. summer blizzard
    all of grandmum’s hair
    bobs against my face
  3. grandmum’s hair
    falling and settling:
    summer avalanche
  4. snowball—
    grandmum offers
    scrunched-up tissue
  5. galaxy’s edge
    in her teddy bear’s
  6. grandpa’s beard
    tickling my face…
    summer grasses
  7. caressing
    grandpa’s beard…
    snowy thicket
  8. light snow
    grandmum arranges
    crib blankets
  9. summer avalanche!
    every morning grandpa shaves
    his beard
  10. snowballs
    heaps of grandmum’s hair
  11. snowballs
    mum’s old shoebox full
    of love-letters

2023 AWAKENING xxx

  1. high moon
    mum raises
    her bare breast
  2. hazy moons
    the misshapen looks
    of mum’s breasts
  3. mum’s breasts
    arranged in a maternity bra
    high moon
  4. early sunrise–
    she lifts her breast
    from her maternity bra
  5. maternity bra
    baby gazes moonlight
    in its wake
  6. moon eclipse–
    mum gathering her breasts
    into a maternity bra
  7. night blizzard
    i wait to hear
    mum’s lullabies
  8. new moon–
    the coolness of
    reconstructed breasts
  9. moon eclipse–
    mum reworks her breasts
    into maternity bra
  10. new moon–
    the remarkable fullness
    of pregnancy breasts
  11. new moon–
    in the cups of maternity bra
    reconstructed breasts

2023 AWAKENING xxxix

  1. breast milk
    these circles of
  2. summer snow—
    i pay attention to
    dribbling breast milk
  3. twisting
    a sweat-stained chemise—
    summer rain
  4. breast milk
    falls but fails to linger…
    summer snow
  5. breast-feeding snow is still a’falling
  6. summer avalanche—
    breast milk
    weighs heavily
  7. summer snow—
    bare breast covered
    with breast milk
  8. breast milk…
    departing winter’s
    very tracks
  9. breast milk…
    snow dribbles
    about the breast
  10. breast milk…
    white-waves marked in
  11. breast milk…
    white threads
    twined from droplets

2023 AWAKENING xxvi

  1. mum’s swollen belly
    touched with color, most confusing
    the heaven-shining moon
  2. mum’s belly
    why does the moon
    seem so near?
  3. expectant bellies…
    heaven’s moon
    halt in their course
  4. mum’s belly my gaze is on the moon
  5. swollen belly
    long have i gaze upon it!
    full moon
  6. mum’s belly…
    even when the day does dim
    the moonlight shines
  7. swollen breasts–
    do i see, today, at the last
    twin moons
  8. full moon–
    what am i do about
    this drooping belly?
  9. summer sun announcing the birth of a baby
  10. summer sun
    i briefly glimpse
    mum’s swelling belly
  11. summer sun–
    it will not remain
    i know to well
    mum’s due date
  12. full moon
    may fall, or not,
    lifting my heavy
  13. full moon
    round and round
    mum’s belly

2023 AWAKENING xxv

  1. plastic rain…
    a bundle of pregnancy tests
    falling straight down
  2. hard rain
    her pregnancy test
    reads positive
  3. trying to read
    the pregnancy test
    tears are fogged and
  4. plastic snowflakes
    i do count them out…
    pregnancy tests
  5. hard snow pregnancy tests keep on falling
  6. hard rain
    i did weep and weep again
    at the doctor’s office
  7. pregnancy tests a sprinkling of snowflakes
  8. pregnancy test
    has such a glow, that
    the blossoms fail to shine
  9. pregnancy tests
    the fallen, scattered snow—
    how do i sweep it away?
  10. pregnancy tests…
    white snow
    has fallen, drifted high around
    my feet

2023 AWAKENING xxiv

  1. pink flood
    all pregnancy tests
    prove positive
  2. spring flood
    purchasing many
    pregnancy tests
  3. spring flood
    too many pregnancy tests
    in the bag
  4. spring drizzle
    i go out to buy
    pregnancy tests
  5. pink mist
    in plain sight for all to see…
    pregnancy test
  6. pink rain–
    not at all bothered
    by expecting confirmation
  7. pink flood
    the many views of
    pregnancy tests
  8. spring flood
    too many brands
    of pregnancy tests
  9. pink snow
    pregnancy tests
    laid perfectly straight
  10. pink avalanche
    anxious lovers
    crossing their fingers

251. pregnancy tests —
the straight gaze
of thick moonlight

2023 AWAKENING xxiii

  1. sleeping babe
    a number of views
    hazy moon
  2. full moon
    against mum’s breast
    sleeping baby
  3. waking baby
    with an open mouth…
    full moon
  4. hazy moon
    baby’s mouth
  5. clumps of snow —
    whatever becomes
    of baby’s blanket
  6. morning avalanche —
    breastmilk settles
    in baby’s mouth
  7. mouth of milk
    who’s that coming
    to view a full moon?
  8. hazy moon
    seasoned father
    blows smoke
    out from his lips
  9. a clear view
    of a full moon…
    baby bottle
  10. hazy moon–
    the view blocked
    by the boiling pot
  11. pink avalanche–
    anxious teens stumble onto
    positive pregnancy tests