Hello dearest reader(s),

i just wanted to take few minutes before work to say, Thank You always for your continued following of my blog. Also, Many, Many Apologies for my questionable absences. As you know, Work can be a b*tch! But of course, I love it, too. (@—->—-)

i hope to in this new year, catch-up on many of my old writings. also, i am hoping to in this new year, start New Writing Projects. Of course, everything as with much of daily life, will depend upon my work schedule.

i will try and post a few reflections from 2023. there have been a few proud moments where my poems have been published and given meaningful acknowledgments.

off to work now, but i will post again, hopefully this weekend. until then, dearest reader(s) Stay Safe and Happy New 2024! (@—–>—–)


To all Readers (new and familiar) I wish you and yours a Safe and Happy 2022 Christmas.

And now a few holiday Haiku for you and yours. 😉

winter drizzle–
shoppers go out to buy

heavy drizzle–
to purchase batteries
with a short life

winter fog–
water in iron kettle

winter fog–
where the iron kettle
puffs smoke

howling winds
little squeaking sounds
of Christmas children