2023 AWAKENING xxxiv

  1. full moon–
    happy baby hugs
    a bag of diapers
  2. waning moon
    mum steps back
    into fallen diaper
  3. baby powder…
    the freshness of
    fallen dry snow
  4. tossed diaper
    eyes follow
    half of the moon
  5. the whine
    of baby’s breathing becomes
    a gentle breeze
  6. night breeze
    where mum’s song begins
  7. twinkling stars
    appear so quickly
    baby powder
  8. so quickly
    the baby powder is released…
    dry snow
  9. great waterfall…
    the rainfall of mum’s misery
    never ceases to fall
  10. great waterfall…
    the rainfall from mum’s misery
    adds to it
  11. a waterfall…
    indistinguishable are
    mum’s and baby’s tears