2023 AWAKENING xxviii

  1. feeding breast
    pale cherry blossoms
    in bloom today
  2. the morning moon’s pale light feeding breast
  3. yellow chrysanthemum
    now, how many layers
    do i seem to have piled on atop the other?
  4. sunshine
    however many petals has
    the yellow chrysanthemum
  5. sunshine
    in countless kinds
    yellow chrysanthemums
  6. summer suns
    O, sweet canary
    in how many months
    have you come to meet me?
  7. goldfinches–
    does never seem to end
  8. summer goldfinches
    are pale, yet
    in a moment, i sweat
  9. goldfinches —
    the ever-continuing
    summer damp heat
  10. daybreak sunrise
    is gone from view–
    soaring finch
  11. daybreak sunrise
    how charming are
    soaring finches

2023 AWAKENING xxvii

  1. sadness—
    seeds inside this body
  2. mum’s belly is now in full flower
  3. mum’s belly
    where amongst the clouds
    does the baby find lodging?
  4. exposed breasts buds swell while i gaze from afar
  5. silver dewdrops
    when might they dry?
    this river of my tears
  6. bellies swell
    and become phases
    of the moon
  7. hungry baby
    sucking the moonlight…
  8. wandering from my breast
    not in a trickle, but
    in a milky torrent
  9. expectant belly
    oh, that the moon tonight
    droops down and down
  10. swollen breast dreaming on my pillow
  11. swollen breasts
    pillowed by white clouds
    am i